Epoch TOPICS CONTEXTS PERSPECTIVES ACTIVITIES METHODS FIGURES HELP TIME LINE Acknowledgements ACTIVITY 3 Exploring persepctives ACTIVITY 1 Using the timeline ACTIVITY 2 Using the biographies ACTIVITY 5 Using the figures, methods, perspectives, topics and context icons ACTIVITY 4 Exploring Topics Ainsworth Allport Baddeley Baron-Cohen Asperger Asch Binet Bartlett Bilig Belbin Bowlby Bruce Buss Cattell Ceci Byrne Bruner Bryant Cohen Cosmides Chomsky Cooper Charcot Conway Damasio Darwin Costa Dawkins Csikszentmihalyi Crick Erikson Eysenck Ekman Descartes Ebbinghaus Dennet Frith Freud Anna Freud Sigmund Falschung Fodor Festinger Goffman Gibson Goodall Galton Goldberg Gathercole Gregory Humphrey James Heider Janet Goodman Kahneman Lazarus Jung Kanner Klein Kelly Mayo McCrae Luria Loftus Lorenz Maslow Neisser Norman Morton Milgram Milner Mead Potter Plomin Piaget Pinker Penfield Pavlov Tajfel Sperry Skinner Saywitz Spears Rogers Triesman Turner Tulving Tooby Taylor Thorndike Weiskrantz Vrij Aldert Warrington Watson Vygotsky Tversky Wundt Zimbardo Whiten Wetherell You can check your answers against ours You can check your answers against ours You can check your answers against ours You can check your answers against ours You can check your answers against ours

Map Node Icon: Tooby.JPG Tooby url anchor

Views:  FIGURES, TIME LINE, Pinker

Reference Node Icon: Tooby.JPG  url anchor

Note Node Tooby, John  url anchor

Reference Node Icon: red-16.png Instinctis url anchor

Instinct. An instinct is a drive encoded in the genes. The term is used in the Freudian model of the mind to represent one of the main driving forces of the psyche (represented by the id), counterbalanced by the social programming of the superego -with the ego trying to do a balancing act between the demands of these two forces, and the demands of external reality. url anchor
Views:  TOPICS, Lorenz, Tooby, Watson

Note Node This involves using knowledge of specific adaptive problems our hunter-gatherer ancestors encountere d to experimentally map the design of the cognitive and emotional mechanisms that evolved among our hominid ancestors to solve them. url anchor

Note Node Source: John Tooby's website url anchor

Note Node Under Tooby's direction, the Center maintains a field station in Ecuadorian Amazonia in order to con duct cross-cultural studies of psychological adaptations and human behavioral ecology. url anchor

Note Node For the last two decades, Tooby and his collaborators have been integrating cognitive science, cultu ral anthropology, evolutionary biology, paleoanthropology, cognitive neuroscience, and hunter-gatherer studies to create the new field of evolutionary psychology. url anchor

Note Node He is particularly interested in documenting how the design of these adaptations shapes cultural and social phenomena, and potentially forms the foundation for a new, more precise generation of social and cultural theories. url anchor

Note Node Tooby is co-director of UCSB's Center for Evolutionary Psychology, where Tooby and his collaborators use cross-cultural, experimental, and neuroscience techniques to investigate specific cognitive specializations for cooperation, coalitions, group psychology, and human reasoning. url anchor

Note Node The goal of evolutionary psychology is the progressive mapping of the universal evolved cognitive an d neural architecture that constitutes human nature, and provides the basis of the learning mechanisms responsible for culture. url anchor

Note Node Tooby is also working on several projects in evolutionary biology, including a book on the evolution of sexual reproduction and genetic systems that interprets their design features as a series of adaptations to parasitic infections. url anchor
