ACTIVITY 5 Using the figures, methods, perspectives, topics and context icons
1 Discourse Analysis argues that the way in which we use language plays a major role in how we behave and make sense of our social world, but with which method is it associated: Experimental, Psycholinguistics or Qualitative?
2 What topic that transcends the experiences commonly examined in mainstream psychology could be described as ‘of the psychology of spiritual experience’?
3 Stanley Milgram and Phil Zimbardo are two famous figures in psychology. Can you name the high school they both attended and find details of their famous studies that examined obedience and the power of social situations?
Use the EPoCH resource contents to determine the correct answers.
4 Which perspective was developed in the late 1950's as a ‘third force’ in reaction to the then prevailing disciplines of behaviourism and psychoanalysis and has had a great influence on counselling psychology and various ‘human potential’ therapies?
5 The context of having intellectual relatives in the family has opened doors for several leading lights in psychology, can you name one?