Visualizing Argumentation: Software Tools for Collaborative and Educational Sense-Making.
Paul A. Kirschner, Simon J. Buckingham Shum and Chad S. Carr (Eds.)
Springer-Verlag: London
ISBN 1-85233-6641-1
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"It is difficult in a short review to cover adequately the wealth of ideas and experience contained in this book. It should be required reading for students, practitioners and researchers who have interests in understanding, promoting and supporting collaborative interactions within the educational enterprise, and who wish to exploit the developments in visualization software." (Journal of Computer Assisted Learning)
"...a highly readable book, which can be used as a backbone textbook for courses in argument visualization, and a resource book for courses in artificial intelligence, CSCL, CSCW and related disciplines. It is a recommended reading for those who would want to use computer resources for interdisciplinary debates and discussions." (Information Visualization)
"This is a multi-author book that fits together rather well, and has a clear and important message for everyone involved in complex business and system problems. The question of whether computers can assist human thought is a deep and challenging one, and deserves everyone's attention." (European Journal of Information Systems)
"[T]his book presents its pioneer role in the CSCW research, and gives visions on the application of CSAV. The experiences from case studies in this book will be highly valuable for any reader who is interested in information technology, computer-in-education, psychology, HCI, knowledge management, computer engineering, or policy makers."
(IEEE Educational Technology & Society)
Welcome to the book companion website for Visualizing Argumentation.
We trust that you find this a useful resource to accompany the book, and welcome your reactions to the book and suggestions of new resources we should add.
Paul Kirschner Simon Buckingham Shum Chad Carr December, 2002
Computer Supported Argument Visualization is attracting attention
across education, science, public policy and business. More than
ever, we need sense-making tools to help negotiate understanding
in the face of multi-stakeholder, ill-structured problems. In order
to be effective, these tools must support human cognitive and discursive
processes, and provide suitable representations, services and user
Visualizing Argumentation is written by practitioners and researchers
for colleagues working in collaborative knowledge media, educational
technology and organizational sense-making. It will also be of interest
to theorists interested in software tools which embody different
argumentation models. Particular emphasis is placed on the usability
and effectiveness of tools in different contexts.
Among the key features are:
- Case studies covering educational, public policy, business
and scientific argumentation
- Expanded, regularly updated resources on the companion website:
"The old leadership idea of "vision" has been transformed in the face of wicked problems in the new organizational landscape. In this excellent book we find a comprehensive yet practical guide for using visual methods to collaborate in the construction of shared knowledge. This book is essential for managers and leaders seeking new ways of navigating complexity and chaos in the workplace."
Charles J. Palus, Ph.D, Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro,
North Carolina, USA
The Springer-Verlag Computer Supported Cooperative Work Series
Computer Supported Cooperative Work's synergistic combination of
computing science/software engineering with a range of theoretical and applied human sciences has made it one of the most exciting areas of everyday computer use. Springer-Verlag's Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) series provides an overview of current knowledge, research and debate for designers, users and students. Each volume in the series provides detailed coverage of a specific topic within CSCW and groupware.
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