Chapter 8
Infrastructure for Navigating Interdisciplinary Debates: Critical
Decisions for Representing Argumentation
Robert E. Horn
Stanford University, USA and Saybrook Graduate School, USA
(enlargements/colour versions of reduced/black and white figures in the book)
 | Figure 8.1: This is one of seven maps in the Mapping Great Debates: Can Computers Think? Series. Reproduced by permission of MacroVU Press. <> |
 | Figure 8.8: The top level window of the Mapping Great Debates series on Genetically Modified Food. |
 | Figure 8.9: The vertical format of the Mapping Great Debates series on Genetically Modified Food. |
 | Figure 8.10: The top level of the Mapping Great Debates series on Consciousness. |
 | Figure 8.11. The vertical format of the Mapping Great Debates series on CONSCIOUSNESS. |
Cited References/Websites
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