Chapter 6
Dialog Mapping: Reflections on an Industrial Strength Case Study
Jeff Conklin
CogNexus Institute, and George Mason University, USA
(enlargements/colour versions of reduced/black and white figures in the book)
 | Figure 6.1: Dialog map segment showing all three IBIS elements. Note the spreadsheet program icon in the upper left which is a hot link to a background source document for the discussion. |
 | Figure 6.3: Use of a Reference node to link to an external document (spreadsheet) to back up an answer. |
 | Figure 6.4: An example of how QuestMap's generic Map container for IBIS discussions has been adapted to other purposes, coupled with Reference nodes to external resources. EAD staff members have evolved a "time-line" map format to organize all of the maps and documents associated with a project, with time progressing left to right. |
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