Skeptic Arguments and What the Science Says Claims about adaptation Claims about IPCC Claims about the sun Claims about other planets Claims about greenhouse gas Claims about climategate Claims about consensus Claims about temperature data Claims about predictions Claims about oceans Claims about Greenland Claims about cooling Claims about historical precedent Miscellaneous claims Claims about sea level rise Claims about other effects Learn more about debate mapping Claims about CO2 missing citation Polar regions no reference given no citation Volcano related Human related

Map Node  Polar regions url anchor

Question Node  What are the arguments about polar regions? url anchor

Answer Node  Southern sea ice is increasing url anchor

Tags:  sea ice, increasing, antarctica

Pro Node  Antarctic sea ice set a new record in October 2007, as photographs distributed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed penguins and other cold-weather creatures able to stand farther north on Southern Hemisphere sea ice than has ever been recorded. url anchor

Antarctic sea ice set a new record in October 2007, as photographs distributed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed penguins and other cold-weather creatures able to stand farther north on Southern Hemisphere sea ice than has ever been recorded. The news of expanding Antarctic sea ice stole headlines from global warming alarmists who asserted Arctic sea ice had reached its lowest extent since 1979. url anchor
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Con Node  Antarctic sea ice has grown in recent decades despite the Southern Ocean warming at the same time. url anchor

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Answer Node  Polar bear numbers are increasing url anchor

Tags:  arctic region, Polar bears

Pro Node  Dr. Mitch Taylor, biologist for the Department of Environment in Canada, says that Polar Bear populations are increasing.  url anchor

Dr. Mitch Taylor, biologist for the Department of Environment in Canada, says that Polar Bear populations are increasing. Dr. Taylor admits that in one region, western Hudson Bay, the population has decreased, while the rest of the regions have increased. In an interview with the Scotsman, Dr. Taylor explains "We’re seeing an increase in bears that’s really unprecedented and in places where we’re seeing a decrease in the population it’s from hunting, not from climate change url anchor
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Tags:  Mitch Taylor

Con Node  Polar bears are in danger of extinction as well as many other species url anchor

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Answer Node  Antarctica is too cold to lose ice url anchor

Tags:  sea ice, antarctica

Con Node  Glaciers are sliding faster into the ocean because ice shelves are thinning due to warming oceans url anchor

Tags:  glaciers
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Pro Node  The real issue is absolute temperatures. url anchor

The real issue is absolute temperatures. Some of the regions in which GRACE claims ice loss in East Antarctica average colder than -30°C during the summer, and never, ever get above freezing. How can you melt ice at those temperatures? url anchor
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Answer Node  Melting ice isn't warming the Arctic url anchor

Tags:  sea ice, retreating, arctic region

Con Node  Melting ice leads to more sunlight being absorbed by water, thus heating the Arctic url anchor

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Pro Node  The University of Melbourne study claims are not supported by the available data.  url anchor

The University of Melbourne study claims are not supported by the available data. The authors seem to have jumped right into statistical analysis without proposing a physical mechanism that works. Heat flows across differences in temperatures, yet the winter water temperature under the ice is fixed at -2C. Thus elevated winter air temperatures should actually cause a reduction in heat flow out of the ocean. Whatever is driving increases in winter Arctic temperatures is not heat coming out of the Arctic Ocean, which is covered with insulating ice. url anchor
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Answer Node  Ice isn't melting url anchor

Tags:  ice loss

Pro Node  Thanks to a rapid rebound in recent months, global sea ice levels now equal those seen 29 years ago, when the year 1979 also drew to a close.  url anchor

Thanks to a rapid rebound in recent months, global sea ice levels now equal those seen 29 years ago, when the year 1979 also drew to a close. In fact, the rate of increase from September onward is the fastest rate of change on record, either upwards or downwards. The data is being reported by the University of Illinois's Arctic Climate Research Center, and is derived from satellite observations of the Northern and Southern hemisphere polar regions url anchor
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Con Node  Ice is melting at an accelerating rate at both poles and in glaciers all over the world url anchor

Tags:  ice loss, accelerating rate, glaciers
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Answer Node  Antarctica is gaining ice url anchor

Tags:  ice gain, antarctica

Pro Node  The amount of ice surrounding Antarctica is now at the highest level since satellites began to monitor it almost 30 years ago.  url anchor

It’s simply too cold for rain in Antarctica and it'll stay that way for a very long time. The bottom line is there is more ice than ever surrounding Antarctica. url anchor
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Tags:  Cato Institute, Patrick J. Michaels

Con Node  Satellites measure Antarctica losing land ice at an accelerating rate url anchor

Tags:  ice loss, satellite data, antarctica
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Answer Node  DMI show cooling Arctic url anchor

Tags:  cooling, DMI, arctic region

Pro Node  From DMI we learn, that Arctic 80N-90N temperatures in the melt season this year is colder than average. This was the case last year too, while earlier years in the DMI analysis period (1958-2010) hardly ever shows Arctic melt season temperatures this cold url anchor

From DMI we learn, that Arctic 80N-90N temperatures in the melt season this year is colder than average. This was the case last year too, while earlier years in the DMI analysis period (1958-2010) hardly ever shows Arctic melt season temperatures this cold url anchor
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Tags:  DMI

Con Node  While summer maximums have showed little trend, the annual average Arctic temperature has risen sharply in recent decades. url anchor

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Answer Node  Glaciers are growing url anchor

Tags:  growing, glaciers

Con Node  Most glaciers are retreating, posing a serious problem for millions who rely on glaciers for water. url anchor

Tags:  retreating, glaciers
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Pro Node  for the first time in over 250 years, glaciers in Alaska, Canada, New Zealand, Greenland, and now Norway are growing. url anchor

Reports are coming in from all over the world: for the first time in over 250 years, glaciers in Alaska, Canada, New Zealand, Greenland, and now Norway are growing. url anchor
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