Claims about oceans
What are the ocean arguments?
It's Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Tags: oceans, Pacific Decadal Oscillation
the cool phases [of the PDO] seem to coincide with the periods of cooling (1946-1977) and the warm phases seem to coincide with periods of warming (1905-1946, 1977-1998).
The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is a temperature pattern in the Pacific Ocean that spends roughly 20-30 years in the cool phase or the warm phase. In 1905, PDO switched to a warm phase. In 1946, PDO switched to a cool phase. In 1977, PDO switched to a warm phase. In 1998, PDO showed a few cool years. Note that the cool phases seem to coincide with the periods of cooling (1946-1977) and the warm phases seem to coincide with periods of warming (1905-1946, 1977-1998).
The PDO shows no trend, and therefore the PDO is not responsible for the trend of global warming
Ocean acidification isn't serious
Tags: denial, ocean acidification, oceans
Our harmless emissions of trifling quantities of carbon dioxide cannot possibly acidify the oceans.
Our harmless emissions of trifling quantities of carbon dioxide cannot possibly acidify the oceans. Paper after paper after learned paper in the peer-reviewed literature makes that quite plain. Idso cites some 150 scientific sources, nearly all of them providing hard evidence, by measurement and experiment, that there is no basis for imagining that we can acidify the oceans to any extent large enough to be measured even by the most sensitive instruments
Past history shows that when CO2 rises quickly, there was mass extinctions of coral reefs
Tags: rapid increase, mass extinctions, Historical precedent, coral reefs, co2
It's El Niño
Tags: oceans, ENSO, El Niņo
The available data indicate that future global temperatures will continue to change primarily in response to ENSO cycling, volcanic activity and solar changes.
Three Australasian researchers have shown that natural forces are the dominant influence on climate, in a study just published in the highly-regarded Journal of Geophysical Research. According to this study little or none of the late 20th century global warming and cooling can be attributed to human activity. The close relationship between ENSO and global temperature, as described in the paper, leaves little room for any warming driven by human carbon dioxide emissions. The available data indicate that future global temperatures will continue to change primarily in response to ENSO cycling, volcanic activity and solar changes.

Tags: Journal of Geophysical Research, volcanoes, Sun, ENSO
El Nino has no trend and so is not responsible for the trend of global warming.
Tags: trend, global warming, El Niņo
Oceans are cooling
Tags: cooling, oceans
Global warming, as diagnosed by upper ocean heat content has not been occurring since 2004.
It is impossible to know if this lack of warming will continue but these observations are inconsistent with the predictions of long-term global climate predictions, such as reported in the 2007 IPCC report.
The most recent ocean measurements show consistent warming.
Tags: warming trend, oceans
It's the ocean
Tags: oceans
This small warming is likely a result of the natural alterations in global ocean currents which are driven by ocean salinity variations.
These small global temperature increases of the last 25 years and over the last century are likely natural changes that the globe has seen many times in the past. This small warming is likely a result of the natural alterations in global ocean currents which are driven by ocean salinity variations. Ocean circulation variations are as yet little understood. Human kind has little or nothing to do with the recent temperature changes. We are not that influential.
Tags: Professor William M Gray
The oceans are warming and moreover are becoming more acidic, threatening the food chain