Why not ditch nuclear and focus only on renewables, as the greens suggest?
Tags: Mark Lynas, Nuclear Power, Energy production
Tags: Mark Lynas, Nuclear Power, Energy production
MacKay calculates that even if we covered the windiest 10 per cent of the UK with wind turbines, put solar panels on all south-facing roofs, implemented strong energy efficiency measures across the economy, built offshore wind turbines across an area of sea two-thirds the size of Wales, and fully exploited every other conceivable source of renewables (including wave and tidal power), energy production would still not match current consumption(13).
This is rather different to Britain being the -Saudi Arabia of wind power- as many in the environmental movement are fond of asserting. Indeed, MacKay concludes that we will need to import renewable electricity from other countries Ð primarily from solar farms in the North African desert Ð or choose nuclear, or both. Indeed, it is vital to stress the neither I nor MacKay nor any credible expert suggests a choice between renewables and nuclear: the sensible conclusion is that we need both, soon, and on a large scale if we are to phase out coal and other fossil fuels as rapidly as the climate needs. As MacKay told me: -We need to get building-
Tags: Mark Lynas, Nuclear Power, Energy production
David McKay-Sustainable Energy Ð without the hot air..pdf
Tags: Mark Lynas, Nuclear Power, Energy production