How are we going to provide for our energy needs in a way that does not destroy, via global warming, the capacity of our planet to support life?
Tags: Mark Lynas, Nuclear Power
Tags: Mark Lynas, Nuclear Power
Going nuclear CAN be part of the answer
Tags: Nuclear Power, Anna
One way of statistically assessing the safety of nuclear power versus other technologies is to use the measure of deaths per gigawatt-year. This technique is cited by Cambridge University s Professor David MacKay in his book Sustainable Energy Ð Without the Hot Air (available free on the web), and shows that in Europe, nuclear and wind power are the safest technologies (about 0.1 death per GWy), while oil, coal and biomass the most dangerous (above 1 per GWy)(10).
Tags: Mark Lynas, Nuclear Power
10) David McKay, Sustainable Energy Ð without the hot air, Part 2, Making a difference, p174.
Tags: Mark Lynas, Nuclear Power
The hard truth is that if nuclear power is not at least part of the answer, then answering that challenge is going to be very difficult indeed.
Tags: Mark Lynas, Nuclear Power