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2007: NASA Ames, CA

2006: Univ. Nantes, France

>>> 2005: Touchstone Consulting, DC

2004: Verizon Philadelphia, PA

2002: Univ. Maryland, DC

2000: Center for Creative Leadership, NC

1999: CSCL Workshop Stanford University, CA & 1st Compendium Institute gathering, RIACS/NASA Ames


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Compendium Institute Workshop

10-11 Nov, 2005, Washington DC


Compendium Workshop 2005 Proceedings (PDF, 5.3Mb)
Presentation & Discussion Maps

Original workshop announcement, CfP & Registration Details

Touchstone Consulting
1920 N Street, NW
Suite 600
Washington, D.C.

Final Program

Thursday, November 10

8:30pm-12pm Introductory Compendium Tutorial Workshop

Who should attend: People interested in learning more about Compendium software and methods in a classroom setting. Participants should bring their own laptop computer with Compendium 1.4 software already installed.

12pm Lunch

1pm Welcome from Steve Lynott, Chief Operations Officer, Touchstone Consulting

1.10pm-5.30pm: General session - presentations, discussion, and networking

Who should attend: People interested in hearing about and discussing Compendium research, development, and best practices.

Note: presentations should be 30mins max, allowing 10mins for discussion, and 5 mins changeover to next speaker.

1.10pm Presentation: A Brief History of Compendium

Al Selvin
Verizon/Open University UK

Compendium got its start in the research labs of NYNEX Science & Technology in the early 1990s, standing on the shoulders of a number of giants. This presentation will review Compendium’s evolution from an underground effort to combine knowledge modeling with group process facilitation, through the ‘middle years’ of increasingly large-scale efforts within Bell Atlantic and elsewhere, to the genesis of the current Compendium software, the move to the Knowledge Media Institute, the development of the Compendium Institute, and beyond.

1.45pm Presentation: Compendium for Web enabled Collaboration

Peg Duffy, Jane Hertzog, Suresh Kadirvel, Ellen Rotenberg, Richard Fritzson

This paper discusses an extension of the Compendium application, which enables it use as a collaboration tool by a team of internal GSK scientists. The original open source code was modified to provide an "export to web" feature, designed for use by a discussion facilitator. For the rest of the discussion participants, a Compendium server version of the code was implemented. This version allows users to participate in discussions using only a web browser on their PCs.

2.30pm Presentation: Filling in the Gaps: Enriching Compendium Maps with Integrated Audio and Video

Simon Buckingham Shum and Michelle Bachler
Knowledge Media Institute, Open University UK

In this presentation we will demonstrate and discuss some of the approaches we have been taking to integrate audio and video with Compendium representations. These range from recording just the computer’s screen plus an audio feed, through to indexing video of co-located or online participants with event logs from Compendium’s use. Experiences with these are described, with some initial reflections on how audio/video records may change the Compendium practitioner’s mapping.

3.15pm Break

3.45pm Using Compendium to Facilitate the Strategy Conversation

Julisa Espinoza, Dil Chowdhry, and Tara Carcillo
Touchstone Consulting

Touchstone Consulting helps leadership teams design and implement their strategy. To help keep the group
aligned, Touchstone has used a framework, called the Gameboard, along with Compendium to facilitate some of
these sessions. In this session we will:
* Review client examples of how they have used Compendium to facilitate this strategy conversation
* Explore why Compendium is useful in these strategy conversations
* Provide participants with an experiental learning opportunity
* Equip participants with tools & techniques to facilitate their own strategy conversations

4.30pm Presentation: Communication Design: Understanding the Unintended and Unanticipated Shaping of Decisions, Disputes, and Learning Through Communication

Mark Aakhus
Rutgers University, USA

The range of matters that could be discussed in any decision, dispute, or learning setting is vast but participants typically find themselves, for better or worse, addressing some particular range of matters in these settings. How this happens and with what consequence for the content, direction, and outcomes of decisions, disputes, and learning has become a focus in my research. In examining this question, I am interested in the artifacts, techniques, procedures, technologies, and roles used to shape communication. I am particularly interested, however, in how the tacit dimension of communicating and the unanticipated by-products of interaction unintentionally shape the content, direction, and outcomes of decisions, disputes, and learning. This presentation outlines the communication-as-design approach I work with to address these issues. The ultimate purpose in addressing this at this workshop is to better understand the opportunity Compendium - software, methods, and uses - affords for addressing these specific issues and for advancing practical and theoretical understanding of intervention on decisions, disputes, and learning.

7pm Dinner

Friday, November 11

8.30am Short Presentation: Compendium as a Sensemaking Tool in Personnel Recovery Missions

Simon Buckingham Shum, Clara Mancini and Al Selvin
Knowledge Media Institute, Open University UK

This case study illustrates our use of Compendium to support a personnel recovery planning cell as they seek to resolve a simulated hostage scenario. Compendium was used as the primary sensemaking support tool, which through a combination of real time Dialogue Mapping and pre-mission Conversational Modelling proved capable of integrating both hard and the soft information, with expected and opportunistically arising content.

8.50am Short Presentation: Modelling the Iraq Debate: Mapping Argumentation in a Document Corpus

Alexandra Okada and Simon Buckingham Shum
Knowledge Media Institute, Open University, UK

This case study illustrates our use of Compendium to support a form of conventional concept mapping, plus post-hoc Dialogue Mapping as a way to tease out and integrate, at various granularities, the Issues, Positions and Arguments raised in a set of published articles on the Iraq war. We also explain the use of Nestor Web Cartographer, another concept mapping tool with specific document analysis and annotation capabilities.

9.10am Presentation: Supporting Distributed Collaboration for Science Exploration

Maarten Sierhuis and Brent Reeves
RIACS/NASA Ames Research Center

A small Mars crew will undoubtedly collaborate with groups of scientists back on Earth. How this collaboration will happen is a matter of conjecture and experimentation. The Mobile Agents Architecture provides a means for implementing a computer supported Mars- and Earth-based science work system, which we first employed in 2004. This system includes both the human work practices and computer tools with dataflow management systems. Here human-centered design meets work process design. In the empirical design approach we are using in the Mobile Agents project we are guided by the capabilities of the people and their objectives. People are at the center of the total system, and people are supported in their work by computer tools. We start simple; asking basic questions such as how the Mars crew can communicate their daily EVA plans and captured science data during and after an EVA back to their colleagues in the Remote Science Team (RST) on Earth. This leads us to question what the role of an Earth-based science team should be. Can the RST participate in the planning of daily extra-vehicular activities on Mars? Will the RST be able to get the science data in time to make useful suggestions to the crew? Will the RST be able to follow the field crew’s investigations? Will the crew be able to absorb the RST suggestions in a timely manner to develop a daily EVA plan? How will the RST EVA plan compare with the crew plan? For the field experiments in 2004 and 2005 we defined a relatively simple science work process integrating three pre-existing domain-general software tools, Brahms, ScienceOrganizer and Compendium. In this talk I will describe the Mobile Agents field tests, in particular focusing on the use of Compendium as a collaboration tool for a Mars Crew and a distributed RST on Earth.

9.55am Field Notes from a Dialogue Mapper

Jeff Conklin
Cognexus Institute

Over the past year I have engaged in three activities: using Compendium as a dialogue mapping practitioner, teaching dialogue mapping to other consultants, and finishing up a book about dialogue mapping. It turns out that these activities, falling at different points along the spectrum from practice to theory, have synergized in unexpected ways. This presentation reviews several tensions that have surfaced between the idealized theory of dialogue mapping and the practical realities of dialogue mapping complex conversations with multi-stakeholder groups. For example, what are the conditions under which a group is more naturally drawn to engaging with a shared display (versus simply talking to and looking at each other)? What does it take to get from maps to meeting minutes? What are the tricks that make IBIS a satisfactory notation even when the mapped questions aren't yet clear or compelling?

10.40am Break

11.10am Open Presentation Slot: Show+tell what you do with Compendium

This is an open slot for you to briefly describe your use of Compendium – don’t be shy! Please inform Al Selvin or Simon Buckingham Shum by the end of Thursday at the latest (sooner is better) if you would like to take advantage of this informal space. A great opportunity to let people know what you’re doing, and get feedback. Plan on a 5 min lightning presentation + 5 mins Q&A.

12.15pm Presentation: Expert Practice in Virtual Team Facilitation

Al Selvin
Verizon/Open University UK

I have been exploring virtual team facilitation with Compendium as a practitioner and researcher for most of the last decade. Recently, I’ve been closely analyzing video recordings of Compendium practitioners working with virtual teams, in an effort to discern how expert practitioners are able to respond rapidly and creatively to problematic situations, how the Compendium representation helps glue the teams together, and what aesthetic and ethical considerations appear to guide practitioner behavior.

12.45pm Lunch

2pm-3.30pm Discussion: Compendium software: features, issues, Q&A

Who should attend: People interested in hearing about and discussing the ongoing evolution of Compendium software tools, including the technical dimensions

3.30pm Break

4-6pm Discussion: Compendium Institute business meeting

Who should attend: People interested in fostering the organizational development and growth of the Compendium Institute and Open Source user community.

7pm Dinner

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