Systems Learning & Leadership, Day 2: Mapping from Chaos to Big Ideas Researching LEGACY... Choosing the Big Idea to focus on (what we did, but skipping affinity clustering) Some more developed stories (Day 2) Mini-stories (Day 1) Questions (Day 1) Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium) Vintage Spong No.2 Mincers and inventors Slow Food Ideas could be dropped into a map for each bone This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!... Reflections on this task as the conceptual glue between EnquiryBlogger and Compendium

Map Node  This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!... url anchor

Views: Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), Reflections on this task as the conceptual glue between EnquiryBlogger and Compendium

Note Node  What are the Big Ideas?  url anchor

Views: Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!...

Answer Node  We've had Emotional Stories, Historical Stories, Imaginative Stories... it's all about INTERPRETATION url anchor

Tags:  Big Idea
Views: Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!...

Answer Node  We ourselves are trying to innovate in the context of a dominant regime... DEVELOPMENT OF IDEAS url anchor

Tags:  Big Idea
Views: Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!...

Question Node  How many people were involved in manufacturing this url anchor

Tags:  3. Questioning
Views: Questions (Day 1), Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), Ideas could be dropped into a map for each bone, This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!...

Answer Node  Designer/inventor spent life trying to come up with something useful. Before he saw the fruits of hi s labour he died. url anchor

Tags:  4. Narrating
Views: Mini-stories (Day 1), Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), Ideas could be dropped into a map for each bone, This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!...

Question Node  Who designed it? Did they design many other things? url anchor

Tags:  3. Questioning
Views: Questions (Day 1), Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), Ideas could be dropped into a map for each bone, This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!...

Map Node  Researching LEGACY... url anchor

Views: Systems Learning & Leadership, Day 2: Mapping from Chaos to Big Ideas, Choosing the Big Idea to focus on (what we did, but skipping affinity clustering), Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!...

Answer Node  LEGACY url anchor

Tags:  Big Idea
Views: Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!...


Tags:  Big Idea
Views: Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!...

Map Node  Ideas could be dropped into a map for each bone url anchor

Views: Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!...

Question Node  What was my gran thinking as she used it? url anchor

Tags:  3. Questioning
Views: Questions (Day 1), Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!...

Answer Node  Knowledge is NOT JUST FACTS... there are many ways of knowing url anchor

Tags:  Big Idea
Views: Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!...

Answer Node  CIRCLE OF LIFE url anchor

Tags:  Big Idea
Views: Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!...

Note Node  The idea is that learners review their blog entries (a good pedagogical practice), filtering by category, and drag and drop key text fragments, images, links, etc from EnquiryBlogger into an affinity analysis map such as this, to help identify the Big Ideas, and then choose one for further investigation... url anchor

Views: Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!..., Reflections on this task as the conceptual glue between EnquiryBlogger and Compendium

Map Node  Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium) url anchor

Views: Systems Learning & Leadership, Day 2: Mapping from Chaos to Big Ideas, This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!...

Map Node  Reflections on this task as the conceptual glue between EnquiryBlogger and Compendium url anchor

Views: Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium), This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!...