Systems Learning & Leadership, Day 2: Mapping from Chaos to Big Ideas Researching LEGACY... Choosing the Big Idea to focus on (what we did, but skipping affinity clustering) Some more developed stories (Day 2) Mini-stories (Day 1) Questions (Day 1) Affinity clustering (which we didn't do) e.g. Fishbone: a way to move from notes to themes: a possible way to integrate EnquiryBlogger & Compendium) Vintage Spong No.2 Mincers and inventors Slow Food Ideas could be dropped into a map for each bone This different fish species gives more room to organise ideas!... Reflections on this task as the conceptual glue between EnquiryBlogger and Compendium

Map Node  Some more developed stories (Day 2) url anchor

Views: Systems Learning & Leadership, Day 2: Mapping from Chaos to Big Ideas, Choosing the Big Idea to focus on (what we did, but skipping affinity clustering)

Map Node  Systems Learning & Leadership, Day 2: Mapping from Chaos to Big Ideas url anchor

Views: Choosing the Big Idea to focus on (what we did, but skipping affinity clustering), Mini-stories (Day 1), Some more developed stories (Day 2), Researching LEGACY..., Questions (Day 1)

Map Node  Vintage Spong No.2 url anchor

Map Node  Mincers and inventors url anchor

Answer Node  Washing machine (Advert for using your washing machine to power other devices - the housewife's friend) url anchor

Map Node  Slow Food url anchor

Map Node  Choosing the Big Idea to focus on (what we did, but skipping affinity clustering) url anchor

Views: Systems Learning & Leadership, Day 2: Mapping from Chaos to Big Ideas, Some more developed stories (Day 2)

Answer Node  Marmalade url anchor

Answer Node  Circle of life: What kind of grandmother do I want to be? url anchor

Answer Node  Ted's delight (limerick) url anchor

Answer Node  The need to mince (A set of historical around the invention of different burgers, all requiring the mincer) url anchor

Views: Some more developed stories (Day 2), Slow Food

Answer Node  Irene the gin loving atom url anchor

Answer Node  Barbara's first mince url anchor
