The mini-visions from each participant: What are we already doing in this community to improve scintific publishing? and what could we do next?
What are we already doing in this community to improve scintific publishing? and what could we do next?
Judith A. Balke: We are a consortium of 12 Databases that work as production system, Interest of annotation of knwodlge curators. Supplementar material work with Publication we get data in two ways need a markup that allow to map element to differnt ontology. Common web based annotation tools for the litterature
Paolo Ciccarese: AO Annotation onotology and system - Users can load a document, we annotate the document with text mining, users can attach discourse annotations, can extract citation and dicscourse networks.
Gully Burns Knowledge engineering systems using NLP. How can we improve the visualization? How the infranstructure can reuse the data.Tools for knowledge curation that improve how the data is seeded in the database. I want to create collaboration where my stuff is used, Adoption and real use is what I seek. How I can make sure that my staff is used and other people stuff is reused?
David Shotton: We build tools for research data management, we have developed the sweeet ontology, we want to develop a system that allow annotations beyond copyright access and we want to make these annotations public in a open access journal . We want to annotate both journal articles and datasets. We seeka scenario in which experts make their tools for their own benefits and as a byproduct they can have this minipublication they get credit for because it is published by the journal with a DOI. We want to access to everybody annotation data, we need good arguments for publishers to convince them to liberate their citation data. We want that text mining is validate as a legittimate activity
David de Roure: discoverisng workfow and cite those workflow. Pepople want to share soemthing extra, not only workshow but "packs", research objects: what are the shared digital artifact we can share?
Steve Pettifier: We want to collaborate with everybody around the table by next year :)
Anna De Liddo: We seek to support scientific investigation and reasoning based on the combination of human and machine annotations. We study and develop annotation tools looking in particualr at human annotation- How can we combine the best of machine and human annotations? expecially to support better visualization of annotation networks, better searches of semantic annotations networks (I.e by supporting structured argumentation, and structured search of semantic netwroks of annotations -
Carole Goble: We hold methods and standard proceedure, investigation studies, esseys. We have examples of how people use those. many projects i.e. Workforever project: Studing Enritre livecycle of research object,
Philippe Bourne: We have a space where we can showcase things that are going on here at Dagstuhl, We do small scale studies to discover user pattern of data, We have litterature database integration, and analyze citation networks
Bob Vision: trying to extract elements of the research in a reusable way. Director of the center, we can test out tools in reale cases, We bring to the table field testing.