Collective Intelligence and Tracking
Gathering and Exploring Collective Intelligence around Open Educational Resources
Collective Intelligence and Tracking
What is tracking
Tracking stats - page viewing , use, reuse.
Be open and aggregate data set
Need to share data each institute is holding
Are there API for accessing any of this data?
Does Open Learn have on?
Google Analystics
Moodle Stats and VBIS (tracks throughput of students from OpenLearn to signing up)
Ratings block, Review questionaire - anonymous and publically viewable - on each course - produces stats.
Forums for actually student comments and stories
Creative Commons aggregate data about where license used
Is it accessible?
UKOER 10 - Friday 23rd July - opportunity to discuss this
Agree a basis of an API for simple stats
Hard to find a common base
Put data through Google Stats and see trends and use etc
Cetis - Resource Tracking
Web Usage Stats
Google and other analytics
URL Redirects
Web Bugs
Worries people
Tell people why you are doing it so they are less worried
Web Search
Put identifying code into each resource
Difficult to manage, and get agreement of use
Cost issues
Druid ?
Druid ?
Problem of OERs based on another OER / Reuse
User must specify relationship
problem of identifying OER
Cohere is using the url
Idea of using unqiue ideantifier
Put identifying code into each resource
Difficult to manage, and get agreement of use
Cost issues
Druid ?
Druid ?
Delicious / Diego / Digg - look at what info is around a URL
Shared Items in Google Reader - info about what urls read, shared, etc.
Juram Open - has analytics
Is it available somehow
Possibly - the long way round - no api - on road map to give more stats out, personal pages on an OER
What could realisticsally be done to help with this
Try and join other projects up with OLnet
Finding a common thing to agree on with international groups - practical standard to help us think globally
Promote idea of tracking and intelligence gathering
Who is working on OER stuff
Cloudworks list of OER related projects at various institutions