Scientific community scenario
How to federate from individual profiles to a community profile?
Through intelligent mappings between vocabularies (legends) which are proposed to the users (TopicSpace vision)
Eventually where we'd want to get to; fully automated merging not part of the KF orientation
Not possible yet
Agree on a common ontology that we all map to.
This is the common ground, analogous to federated states. Federated doesn't mean we don't agree on some common ground.
How is this different from a Semantic Web approach?
We value the process of discussion that lies behind the final artifact. We would preserve that rationale, make it public, and perhaps link it carefully into the artifact.
SW community has public online discourse too
Is this at the core of what makes the KF approach distinctive?
Is this at the core of what makes the KF approach distinctive?
Jack's account of the OWL/XTM debate at SRI: TM is basically frame-KR. There is no technical news. The difference is in attitude
Is a federation attitude enough to make a new community?
No, insufficient
Yes, sufficient
How does this paradigm reconfigure the "organization of the warriors" - the social structures?
Examples of how new media have reshaped practices
A set of values about what to do with socio-semantic technology
Does this raise the need for new technical solutions?
Yes, it's a/the/next paradigm badly needed for today's challenges, and for future k-production
Maybe not, but our tools could lead to a paradigm shift in social practices
Wikipedia and the Meaning of Truth
But "we've been doing KF for thousands of years"...?
But the net changes everything?
Yes, as articulated by many people
Fikes" Where's the news?"
We have to avoid talking about a new paradigm!
Moveable Type analogy: "we've been doing writing for years"...
If it is a new paradigm, can we clarify the attributes?
Crafting compelling maps as social, communication/ negotiation artifacts
Jack: Taking seriously the processes of crafting these artifacts: creating the "OS" capable of supporting "k-gardening UIs"
Analogous to Linux and KDE/Gnome open source efforts - people may understand this better, though the metaphor is not quite right
Jack: "I want to talk about Topic Management now, not Topic Mapping"
How does this relate to IM and KM?
Jack: the OS will do all the things that humans can't do well
Alex: unclear how this would be any different from a wholistic view of IM or KM: spans all levels of an infrastructure
"Federate" should become a verb
DNA analogy: Subject Proxy and Property are the DNA of a memetic system...?
Design vs Emergence?
Our services approach is probably not so different technically, but simply the kinds of work we want to support
Is a federation attitude enough to make a new community?
No, insufficient
Yes, sufficient
How does this paradigm reconfigure the "organization of the warriors" - the social structures?
Examples of how new media have reshaped practices
A set of values about what to do with socio-semantic technology
Does this raise the need for new technical solutions?
Yes, it's a/the/next paradigm badly needed for today's challenges, and for future k-production
Maybe not, but our tools could lead to a paradigm shift in social practices
Wikipedia and the Meaning of Truth
But "we've been doing KF for thousands of years"...?
But the net changes everything?
Yes, as articulated by many people
Fikes" Where's the news?"
We have to avoid talking about a new paradigm!
Moveable Type analogy: "we've been doing writing for years"...
If it is a new paradigm, can we clarify the attributes?
Crafting compelling maps as social, communication/ negotiation artifacts
Jack: Taking seriously the processes of crafting these artifacts: creating the "OS" capable of supporting "k-gardening UIs"
Analogous to Linux and KDE/Gnome open source efforts - people may understand this better, though the metaphor is not quite right
Jack: "I want to talk about Topic Management now, not Topic Mapping"
How does this relate to IM and KM?
Jack: the OS will do all the things that humans can't do well
Alex: unclear how this would be any different from a wholistic view of IM or KM: spans all levels of an infrastructure
"Federate" should become a verb
DNA analogy: Subject Proxy and Property are the DNA of a memetic system...?
Design vs Emergence?
Is this at the core of what makes the KF approach distinctive?
Tanaka: "Knowledge Reorganization" as an alternative to Semantic Web Services approaches
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