Map outcomes to activities for Brunel design challenge workshop
A1: objective setting
Outcomes map
A2: How to ruin a course
A3: At a glance map
A4: Design review
A5: Stall activity
A6: Visualising designs
A7: Design evaluation
A8: Evaluation
Outcomes map
This maps high level descriptions of outcome to specific examples that may be reached within individual activities.
Understanding gained through ammending a design
Outcomes map
A4: Design review
Understanding of issues/challenges in designing blending learning
Map outcomes to activities for Brunel design challenge workshop
Outcomes map
An awareness of 3 design evalaulation tools
Outcomes map
A4: Design review
Awareness of learning design resources, tools and methods
Map outcomes to activities for Brunel design challenge workshop
Outcomes map
Transfer experience gained in the design challenge to own context
Map outcomes to activities for Brunel design challenge workshop
Outcomes map
This is intended to demonstrate the concept so onlt two examples of specific learning outcomes have been shown