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Compendium as a Community of People and Expertise

Growing from the original two developers of the methodology, in the past few years Compendium has become an area of interest for a diverse set of people, ranging from commercial practitioners to researchers to management consultants and trainers. More than a dozen people have now written research papers on the topic, and people in many institutions and organizations have applied Compendium to their projects. Two annual seminars have been conducted, the first at NASA Ames in December 1999 and the second, with quadrupled attendance, at the Center for Creative Leadership in November 2000.

At the core of this community are Compendium Practitioners, people interested in taking the set of tools and methods that make up Compendium and applying them to a range of situations and problem domains. For example, Steven Vedro, a consultant working for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, used Compendium to work with a national team of senior executives from university-licensed public television stations to create a strategic plan for combining their resources with those of web-based distance education providers. Consultants at GDSS Inc., a Washington DC-based management consulting firms, applied Compendium in more than 10 projects within Verizon in 1999-2000. Charles Palus and his colleagues at the Center for Creative Leadership's research arm, New Lenses on Leadership, are incorporating Compendium into the way they provide cutting-edge leadership development workshops and programs to senior executives.

At the second annual Compendium seminar, the participants decided to institutionalize their community of interest in a public forum known as the Compendium Institute. An international team developed the first release of the Institute's website, http://compendium.open.ac.uk, with hosting underwritten by the Center for Creative Leadership. The intent of the Institute is to provide an ongoing forum for the dissemination and promotion of Compendium.

Current members of the Compendium Institute are from Verizon, Pitney Bowes, Northern Illinois University, GDSS Inc., Knowledge Media Institute (Open University UK), NASA Ames Research Center, Agent iSolutions Inc., New York University/Stern School of Business, Wisconsin Public Television, and the Center for Creative Leadership.


(written 2002)

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