Blue Oxen Associates is a think tank devoted to studying and
improving high-performance collaboration. We are particularly interested in studying
knowledge processes -- how we share and acquire knowledge, and how we use
tools to augment our abilities to inform, to learn, and to collaborate.
URL: http://www.blueoxen.com |
We have been viewing leadership as making
shared sense out of complexity and chaos. Compendium is thus a
methodology for leadership. Our intent is to explore the utility and
implications of this last statement by experimenting with Compendium
in fostering leadership.
The mission of the Center for Creative
Leadership is to advance the understanding, practice and development
of leadership for the benefit of society worldwide. CCL is a
non-profit research and educational institute.
URL: http://www.ccl.org |
The Knowledge Media Institute provides the
UK's Open University and collaborating partners with advanced
prototypes of internetworked media for collaboration and knowledge
construction. KMi is working with the Compendium Institute on
several projects into mediating discourse, organizational memory,
and scientific publishing and peer review. One of its technologies -
D3E - transforms Compendium
maps into structured web discussion documents, and Compendium is used
for collaborative modeling in the ScholOnto
URL: http://kmi.open.ac.uk/projects/compendium/ |
The Compendium methodology was originally
developed in 1993 at NYNEX Science & Technology, now a part of
Compendium has been applied on
more than 50 projects at NYNEX, Bell Atlantic, and Verizon.
URL: http://www.verizon.com |

CogNexus Institute offers tools and skills
for groups dealing with complex and ill-structured situations. The
Institute's mission is creating organizational coherence in the
service of world peace and healing. We specialize in teaching the
Dialog Mapping technique, facilitation and consulting using Dialog
Mapping, and research on collaborative technologies for complex
problem solving and design situations.
URL: http://www.cognexus.org |
Agent iSolutions is a project team at NASA
Ames Research Center developing work systems solutions using agent
based technology. The team is responsible for modeling and analyzing
work systems that can include NASA missions as well as NASA
operations. The team is furthermore responsible for developing the
language and software that allows for agent based simulations of
work systems allowing for testing work systems before they are
implemented. The software that supports the modeling, simulation and
analysis of work systems is collectively called Brahms.
URL: http://www.agentisolutions.com |