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Compendium 1.3.03 Release Notes

New Features:

  • Web publishing using interactive image maps: Export to HTML Views has been completely re-written. It now uses platform/browser independent image maps in place of VML to display view maps.

    These new image maps mimic some of the native Compendium user interface:

    Views appear exactly as they do in the Java client, roll over nodes to view a detail preview, click on nodes to open their detail windows in full, roll over Tag indicators to view Tags, roll over Transclusion indicators to see a clickable list of a node's views.

    An expand/collapse tree in the left frame (which can be hidden/enlarged as desired) provides a complementary way to view and navigate the exported Maps/Lists.

    This export option now also has export to full depth capabilities, as well as the new options to export with references and to a zip file. (Currently, in order to generate all the necessary JPEG files for this export, each map being exported must be physically opened in Compendium. Any views which were not already opened are closed again afterwards. We hope to avoid the need for this in the future.
  • Auto-transclusion detection: There is now an option on the Map menu to turn on 'Auto Label Searching' which means that as you type in a node label you will get a box showing possible matches. This promotes re-use of nodes when this is appropriate (often you know there’s already a node for something but don’t have time to find it)

    There is keyboard navigation using the up/down arrow keys between the label and the list box. Pressing the Enter key or double clicking on an item in the list transcludes the selected option, replacing the current node (which get put in the trashbin).
    F1 opens the node's contents dialog if you want more info.
  • Backup to Zip archive: The Backup database option now opens a dialog and has a new option to Backup to a zip which will include references and images. This will adjust reference paths to refer to the Linked Files folder (created in the zip file), unless you select to preserve reference paths.

    All references and images are stored in the Zip file in the path structure 'Linked Files/<current database name/<filename>'. The paths in the SQL are changed accordingly.
  • Keyboard navigation of dialog box lists: Lists and the Tag dropdown box on the toolbar now have keyboard navigation (currently not case sensitive) This follows the Lotus style, in that it searches on more than one character.

    The current search string is displayed in the main Compendium status bar.
    Use the backspace key to remove characters from the search string and the Enter key to assign a Tag.

  • XML+HTML exports can include Reference nodes: You have options on XML and HTML-outline export to back up to zip and to export references (separate options)

    In the XML, all references and images included are stored in the in the path structure 'Linked Files/<current database name/<filename>'. The paths in the XML are changed accordingly.

    In the HTML outline export a new subfolder called 'references' is added to the others created.

    Zip exports should work correctly on all platforms and across platforms. Restore backup and XML import check for reference and image file paths and convert between platforms where required.
  • Google search on nodes: There is a new option on the node right-click menu to do a Google search for that node label.
  • Tracking resources you drag+drop: If you drag and drop external files into Compendium and have them copied to the Linked Files folder, it will now add them to database specific subfolders.  
  • Optional right-click behaviour: If you right-click on a node for creating links (or to initiate any other right-click menu operation), only that node will be selected, unless you hold down the shift key when you click. This should help stop the creation of unwanted links.
    This is switched ON but can be switched OFF from the tools menu options dialog (Tools Menu/Options, the "Map and Rollover Options" tab).
  • Unique Tag names: You now can't create a tag with the same name twice.
  • Interactive birds-eye view of maps: There is now a new option on the Map menu to display an Aerial View window.

    This window will always show an aerial view of the current map (it disappears if you focus on List, but will reappear again next time you focus on a Map.
    If you close the aerial view window the facility is disabled, until you re-enable it on the Map menu.
    The window is resizable and will scale the contents according to the window size you drag it to. The contents are a scaled version of the parent map and therefore have the same functionality as the parent map.

    You can add/edit/delete nodes and links etc and the two views should keep each other updated.
    If you select a node in the Aerial view the parent view will scroll to show the node.

    This is only the first step for the Aerial View and future version hope to implement the wire frame found in the Questmap aerial view.

Bug Fixes:


  • Bug fixed with pasting links:  If only one node of link was copied it linked to an arbitrary node.
    If both nodes were already in the view, it added the link again (so you had two on top of each other).
  • Fixed bug with reference links in HTML Outline export.
  • Fixed bug with SQL creation statement for ViewLink being created in .sql backup files.
  • Fixed bug with the copy/paste to another database options on the Edit Menu.
  • Fixed both html exports to export correctly when a list is the top level view and selected maps are exported.
  • Fixed node labels so they will accept more fnon-English characters. There is still a problem at the database level, where some character which appear on the screen but are actually saved in the MySQL database as '?'. Known characters that cause this problem are the euro currency symbol and some of the slanted single quotation marks. There will be others.  This is related to the character sets available with MySQL 4.0 series. Hopefully this problem will be fixed with future releases of MySQL.
  • Fixed bug with Crtl+left and Ctrl+right not working in node labels.
  • Fixed 'Restore As New', not closing the progress bar and freezing Compendium.
  • Fixed Restore As New not putting reference paths into the database with PreparedStatements therefore loosing path separators.
  • Fixed bug with editing the name of a database not updating the list or adjusting the default database.
  • Fixed the bug with deleting databases no longer working with the introducing  of changes to MySQL 4.01.8.
  • Fixed bug with HTML Views export and references and images in the Details popups not having correctly formed paths.
  • Fixed bug with changing node types to/from maps and list not always working correctly.

Mac OS X

  • Fixed bug with export to JPEG on Mac and Linux platforms.


  • Fixed bug with export to JPEG on Mac and Linux platforms.
  • Fixed bug with anchor images not exporting to HTMLOutline image folder on the Linux platform.

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