The following papers are available as introductory background
to each of the key components in the project:
- Ecosensus project publications
- Berardi A., Bachler M., Bernard C., Buckingham-Shum
S., Ganapathy S., Mistry J., Reynolds, M., and Ulrich W (2006).
The ECOSENSUS Project: Co-Evolving Tools, Practices and Open Content
for Participatory Natural Resource Management. Second International
Conference on e-Social Science. 28-30 June 2006, Manchester, UK.
Download full paper.
- Berardi A., Bachler M., Bernard C., Buckingham-Shum
S., Ganapathy S., Haynes L., Mistry J., Reynolds, M., Roopsind I.,
and Ulrich W (In preparation). ECOSENSUS
(Electronic/Ecological Collaborative Sensemaking Support System).
RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, 'Participatory Techniques
Showcase’, 30 August - 1st September 2006, Royal Geographical
Society with IBG, London, UK. Abstract
- Berardi A., Bachler M., Bernard C., Buckingham-Shum
S., Ganapathy S., Haynes L., Mistry J., Reynolds, M., Roopsind I.,
and Ulrich W (In preparation).
ECOSENSUS - A participatory spatial decision-support
tool for natural resource management. RGS-IBG Annual International
Conference, 'Participatory GIS', 30 August - 1st September 2006,
Royal Geographical Society with IBG, London, UK. Abstract
- Berardi A., Bachler M., Bernard C., Buckingham-Shum
S., Ganapathy S., Mistry J., Reynolds, M., and Ulrich W (2006).The
development of an open content course on natural resource management:
A virtual team production between Guyana and the UK. The International
Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication
Technology (IJEDICT), Special Issue on the Caribbean, August 2006.
Vol 2, No.2.
- Berardi A., and Reynolds M. (2006). The ECOSENSUS
Approach to Sustainable Management of the Rupununi, Guyana; A learning
system linking people and the environment. Open Systems Research
Group Seminar, 6th June 2006. Download Powerpoint
- Gridlet publications
- Swindell J., Lee J., and Berardi A.(2004). The
potential of the GRID for small scale GIS use: a proposal from the
UK.Fourth European GIS Education Seminar, Villach, Austria 02nd-
05th September 2004. Download
full paper.
- Lee J., and Berardi A.(2004). GridletGIS - a White
Paper.Download full paper.
- The Rupununni Basin natural resource management
- The
Compendium sensemaking-support tool:
- Soft Systems
- Critical
Systems Heuristics:
- Ulrich, W. (2005). A Brief Introduction
to Critical Systems Heuristics.
Original publication, Ecosensus website, 14 Oct 2005;
updated version, 31 Aug 2006, 15 pp.
- Ulrich, W. (2002a). Critical Systems
Heuristics. In: The Informed Student Guide to Management Science,
ed. by H.G. Daellenbach and R.L. Flood, London: Thomson Learning,
2002, p. 72f.
Ulrich, W. (2002b). Boundary
Critique. In: The Informed Student Guide to Management Science,
ed. by H.G. Daellenbach and R.L. Flood, London: Thomson Learning,
2002, p. 41f.