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Evidence-Based Dialogue Mapping for Teenagers
Ale Okada

Following work last year teaching teenagers on a science summer school to map their reasoning about climate change impact, the article below summarises where we've got to in this new work with schools...

"This pilot study focuses on the potential of Evidence-based Dialogue Mapping as a participatory action research tool to investigate young teenagers' scientific argumentation. Evidence-based Dialogue Mapping is a technique for representing graphically an argumentative dialogue through Questions, Ideas, Pros, Cons and Data. Our research objective is to better understand the usage of Compendium, a Dialogue Mapping software tool, as both (1) a learning strategy to scaffold school pupils' argumentation and (2) as a method to investigate the quality of their argumentative essays. The participants were a science teacher-researcher, a knowledge mapping researcher and 20 pupils, 12-13 years old, in a summer science course for "gifted and talented" children in the UK. This study draws on multiple data sources: discussion forum, science teacher-researcher's and pupils' Dialogue Maps, pupil essays, and reflective comments about the uses of mapping for writing. Through qualitative analysis of two case studies, we examine the role of Evidence-based Dialogue Maps as a mediating tool in scientific reasoning: as conceptual bridges for linking and making knowledge intelligible; as support for the linearisation task of generating a coherent document outline; as a reflective aid to rethinking reasoning in response to teacher feedback; and as a visual language for making arguments tangible via cartographic conventions."

Okada, A. and Buckingham Shum, S. (2008, In Press). Evidence-Based Dialogue Maps as a Research Tool to Investigate the Quality of School Pupils' Scientific Argumentation. Int. Jnl. Research & Method in Education (Special Issue on Argumentation & Methods), Eds. K. O'Halloran and C. Coffin. PrePrint:

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